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September 03, 2024

mbg Executive Editor

By Hannah Margaret Allen

mbg Executive Editor

Hannah Margaret Allen is the Executive Editor at mindbodygreen. Previously she worked at Inverse, Men’s Journal, and Condé Nast.

Author (tester) in room holding bottle of gaia herb vitex supplement up to camera in right hand

Image by Hannah Margaret Allen

September 03, 2024

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Picture this: I’m on the floor of the bathroom stall. Initially, I’m queasy, but then my vision starts to go, and the discomfort almost makes me faint. I stay there for 30 minutes, unable to get off the cool tile. 

This was one of many debilitating period incidents I dealt with before I talked to my general practitioner about my in 2017. 

She made it clear that the difficult periods and rough cramps were not normal—let alone something I needed to endure. She shared a few lifestyle tweaks and recommended I start taking Gaia Herb’s Vitex Berry supplement.

“As an integrative medicine physician who specializes in women’s health,” Chloe Godwin-Gorga, M.D., my aforementioned GP, shared. “Vitex is one of my go-to recommendations.” 

gaia herbs vitex berry supplement

What Is Vitex Berry?

Vitex agnus-castus, the scientific name of this medicinal herb, also known as the chaste tree, is native to the Mediterranean region and has many efficacious uses. 

“It is a gentle herb,” Godwin-Gorga shared. “With a long history of traditional use and in our modern cortisol-driven culture, acts to support progesterone production as well as have some dopamine-enhancing effects.”*

“Vitex is what I would call a ‘broad-spectrum’ herb in that it has benefits for many different hormonal challenges across a woman’s life cycle—from cycle issues to fertility to perimenopausal struggles.”* Godwin-Gorga says.

Why I Started Taking Vitex

Ever since high school, I’ve struggled with difficult menstrual cycles. They took me out for at least one, sometimes two days, every cycle. I honestly thought this was normal (cramps are the worst for everyone, right?). 

I needed a way to support better hormonal balance and avoid hormonal issues, like cycle irregularities, mood swings, and horrible period cramps.*

So I started taking two capsules every morning with my other supplements. The pretty, deep purple capsules didn’t have any aftertaste or make me experience any unpleasant side effects. It’s been 7 years—and my subscription is still going strong.

gaia vitex supplement on marble table with two capsules stacked next to it

Image by Hannah Margaret Allen / mbg creative

My Experience Taking Vitex Berry

Like most herbal supplements, I didn’t see an immediate change. But over the next few weeks and months, I noticed fewer overwhelming aches and my mood felt more even.* And while I still occasionally have difficult menstrual cycles, the frequency has decreased.

In fact, when I went to an acupuncturist recently, she immediately recommended I take Gaia Herb’s Vitex Berry. To which I said, “Already am!” 

That’s the reputation I find Gaia Herbs has in the integrative community. You can trust you know where the herbs were harvested, the potency of the product, and the stability of the high-quality bottles and packaging.

Author (tester) in room holding bottle of gaia herb vitex supplement up to camera in right hand

Image by Hannah Margaret Allen / mbg creative

The takeaway

The hormonal support I got from Gaia Herb’s Vitex Berry made my day-to-day life bearable.* So much so, I’ve taken it religiously for 7 years. In fact, I’ve changed brands for supplements here and there, but I’ve always relied solely on Gaia Herbs for their Vitex Berry supplement. 

gaia herbs vitex berry supplement