Image by MUDWTR / Contributor

May 17, 2023

The choices you make in the morning set the tone for the entire day. Oversleeping and running out the door, granola bar in hand, is a lot different than waking up early, checking off that meditation, cooking breakfast, and heading out with your favorite beverage sitting toasty in a reusable mug. To us, the morning ritual is an artform, and one that should be refined over time. 

While we all do mornings differently, most rituals orbit around an energizing beverage. And no doubt, we can count on coffee to keep our eyes open. But we have to ask ourselves: Is that jittery high and exhausted crash really worth it? Even the routines we’ve relied upon for years could use a reinvention from time-to-time… Especially when shaking things up has as many energizing benefits as MUDWTR’s :rise Cacao blend.


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MUDWTR :rise Cacao

Right now you can get $20 off plus a free frother when you subscribe — and even better, MBG readers get an exclusive 20% off when you use code MBG20 at checkout.

A healthier morning routine for energy and focus.

So, is our morning ritual really fulfilling its potential? It’s worth an honest look. Science1 has connected a morning routine to productivity, and just a few healthier choices can inspire a healthier day. If your morning mug could deliver on energy, focus, and immune support without that impending caffeine crash, wouldn’t you want to know about it? If there was a drink that tasted like Masala chai and cacao made a baby, wouldn’t you want to try it?

We wouldn’t dare challenge your morning cuppa if we weren’t serious about MUDWTR. Made with 100% organic cacao, spices, and mushrooms, this coffee alternative offers impressive benefits and taste, and is as easy as dropping a tablespoon into hot water and frothing away. With just a fraction of the caffeine of coffee (and no sneaky sweeteners), MUDWTR :rise Cacao offers just the right amount of energy and focus to get us going… But that’s just a hint at what this drink can do.

Image by MUDWTR / Contributor


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A morning drink that supports cognition and sleep.

The point of a morning routine is to set us up for a successful day. That means getting energized, staying focused, and feeling our very best. And while our cold brew might leave us flying high in the a.m. hours, there’s only one way down come afternoon.

MUDWTR offers a different take on the same benefits with the help of Ayurvedic herbs, adaptogens, and cacao. For example, it incorporates lion’s mane to support focus and cordyceps2 for natural energy—and research has connected both of these mushrooms to brain support. But it’s also made with chaga for phytonutrients, turmeric for antioxidants, and calming reishi for immunity. From first sip to last, this drink lays the foundation for a stellar day (without making you pay for it later). 

Due to its high caffeine content, coffee can easily disrupt sleep. While the half-life of caffeine3 varies greatly from person to person, it’s generally accepted that caffeine stays in our system for longer than we realize. And if it’s still present come bedtime, it can block the release of adenosine (the natural chemical that makes us sleepy). With 35 mg of caffeine, MUDWTR has a fraction of the caffeine found in a cup of coffee—in other words, dream on. 

Win the morning, win the day.

However you slice it, our morning ritual influences how the chips fall throughout the day (and night). Your morning beverage-of-choice can be so much more than a vessel for caffeine, and just as satisfying. With MUDWTR, you can reinvent your morning ritual while taking strides toward energy, focus, immunity, and sleep… Maybe before you’ve even left the house or gone green on Slack. And that’s worth waking up for.

MUDWTR :rise Cacao

Right now you can get $20 off plus a free frother when you subscribe — and even better, MBG readers get an exclusive 20% off when you use code MBG20 at checkout.


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