Jamie Schneider

mbg Beauty & Wellness Editor

By Jamie Schneider

mbg Beauty & Wellness Editor

Jamie Schneider is the Beauty & Wellness Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.A. in Organizational Studies and English from the University of Michigan, and her work has appeared in Coveteur, The Chill Times, and Wyld Skincare.

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Image by BONNINSTUDIO / Stocksy

April 10, 2023

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Before jumping right in, let me be clear: Everyone can benefit from taking collagen. If you think you might be a good candidate—guess what!—you probably are. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, found in our tendons, ligaments, skin, muscles, bones, and blood vessels, but it decreases with age—so supplying your natural reserves is definitely a good idea. 

However, there are some folks who can really see results from adding collagen supplements to their routines, stat. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll stick to those curious about skin health, but let’s waste no more time: Here, three types of people who should highly consider the daily ritual:  


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Technically, anyone at any age can start taking collagen (your natural production declines by an average of 1% each year2 once you hit your mid-20s, so many would consider that their starting point). 

But people who experience menopause see a dramatic drop (about 30%) in collagen production during that time, which is why many start to see major skin shifts (like fine lines and sagging) during that time. So, they might be more interested in taking collagen to support their natural levels. 

Skin benefits aside, taking collagen is also great for joint comfort, and according to functional medicine practitioner Bindiya Gandhi, M.D., joints naturally lose laxity as we age. It holds true for everyone, but people tend to experience it more during menopause3, according to research. Bonus points if your collagen powder also includes hyaluronic acid, as it plays a key role in helping joints feel lubricated4


You desire plump, hydrated skin

Finally, if you want firm, bouncy, hydrated skin (I’m assuming that’s everyone here), then you should certainly consider taking collagen. In fact, consuming collagen is crucial for achieving “Jello skin,” a concept that went viral after content creator Ava Lee (otherwise known as Glow With Ava) posted a video of herself mid-facial. 

When her facialist pinches her cheek, it immediately holds its shape. “That just shows you have enough of a support cushion underneath,” her facialist explains. “The way that it bounces… It’s the perfect consistency of Jell-O. That’s a perfect sign that you have a beautiful level of collagen in the skin.” 

And while you can load up on collagen-rich foods (bone broth, egg whites, etc.), you can get way more bang for your buck by using high-quality collagen supplements. Lee personally loves a collagen matcha latte in the morning, in which she swirls collagen and matcha powder together before pouring over plant-based milk. You can find a host of other easy recipes here if matcha isn’t your cup of tea. 


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The takeaway

Everyone can benefit from taking collagen, but those concerned about fine lines, skin changes during menopause, or who just want to secure a plumper, more hydrated complexion should definitely invest. Just know that not every formula is created equal—you want high-quality, hydrolyzed collagen peptides at a clinically backed dose (some blends don’t include enough collagen peptides to really make a difference). Good news: We have a vetted list of collagen powders right here.