Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Full Moon

Image by mbg creative x Kike Arnaiz / Stocksy

March 6, 2023

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In case you didn’t know, the astrological new year is March 20, which means the upcoming full moon in Virgo on March 7 is the final full moon of this astrological year. This is a big one, so we’ll want to be prepared—here’s what to know.


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The astrology behind March’s full moon.

March’s full moon in Virgo is set to peak at 7:42 a.m. EDT on March 7. Virgo is known for being a methodical, practical, and discerning sign, and that’s what we can expect from this full moon.

As intuitive astrologer Lumi Pelinku tells mindbodygreen, “Full Moons are powerful, as they signify the peak moment in what you have built these last couple of weeks. With the Full Moon being in the sign of Virgo, this can bring up themes regarding our health and wellness, and even productivity.”

She adds that this moon will also be forming a harmonious and flowing trine with Uranus (the planet of revolution and sudden changes) in Taurus. This aspect will “give us the opportunity to actually initiate these changes because Uranus wants us to flip the script and jump-start something, in regards to things that are not really working for us,” Pelinku explains.

Full moons are, after all, an opportunity for release and recalibration, and this couldn’t be a better time for it as we approach the astrological new year and an Aries new moon later this month. Plus, Pelinku notes, Saturn is also moving into Pisces after two and a half years in Aquarius on the same day as the full moon. “For the next two and a half years,” she says, “our ideas of structure will shift into a new paradigm of reality,” and we’re making our preparations for these changes now.

How to work with this energy.

Whenever we have a Virgo full moon, the idea is to get structured and organized and let go of the things that are holding us back in the practical, material, and even health-related areas of our life.

According to Pelinku, this moon is a great time to start reviewing how organized you are. “Are you structured and working on your time management? Virgo is all about organization and getting into the details, and if you go into this area of contemplation, it will help you see what is or what is not working for you,” she tells mindbodygreen.

This is also a great full moon for looking at the state of your health, how much you’re investing in your body, and even honoring the heightened sensitivity you may feel under this moon.

And given that we’re all going to feel the shift of Saturn moving into Pisces, a very whimsical and creative sign (and the sister sign of Virgo), Pelinku says this is also a chance to review your creative processes and artful expression, shining your Piscean side out with no apologies. “The more we go into creative mode, the better we will feel, and resisting this side of you may bury you into some form of stagnation,” she adds.

For more ideas on how to spend this full moon, check out our roundup of the best full moon rituals.


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The takeaway.

The astrological new year is just around the corner, and under this Virgo full moon, we all have a chance to set our personal stage. Be sure to check out our sign-by-sign horoscope for the full moon, and however you decide to work with this moon’s energy, allow it to clear out the old to welcome in the new.


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Sarah Regan

Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.