mbg Assistant Beauty Editor
mbg Assistant Beauty Editor
Hannah Frye is the Assistant Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.S. in journalism and a minor in women’s, gender, and queer studies from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Hannah has written across lifestyle sections including health, wellness, sustainability, personal development, and more.
Image by Hannah Schwob / mindbodygreen
February 15, 2023
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So far, 2023 is looking like the year of protein (as mbg’s sustainability and health director predicted in our 2023 Wellness Trends). What does this mean? Well, it seems more and more people are putting protein at the top of their menu, whether it’s motivated by better workout recovery, hormone regulation, or better satiety post-meal.
Plenty of people use protein powder to fill any gaps, but not everyone prefers to hop aboard, whether it’s the taste, how it makes their stomach feel, or another personal reason. For those folks, we’ve got a delicious alternative to traditional protein powders that still offers up an array of amino acids.
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How to make a protein-packed chocolate collagen shake.
The secret weapon: collagen powder. More specifically, we’re talking about grass-fed, hydrolyzed collagen peptides, like the ones found in the mbg beauty & gut collagen+ powder. Here’s how to whip up a sweet (but blood sugar-friendly) morning shake. Keep this recipe on-hand for your pre- or post-workout snack—or just a midday (healthy) sweet.
Serves 1
Blend together:
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This recipe is quick, easy, and to-the-point. But if you want to dress it up, consider tossing in some frozen blueberries, a dash of cinnamon, some coconut butter, or a scoop of granola as a topping.
Collagen powder vs. protein powder.
So does collagen replace protein powder entirely? Not exactly. See, the amino acid composition of each of these powders is different—however, collagen does still contain many amino acids (aka, the building blocks of protein).
In general, “Collagen powder and protein powder are different products with different nutrition profiles, different ingredients, and different goals,” Scott Keatley, R.D. once told mbg. Ultimately, which powder is right for you depends on the benefits you’re looking for.
While collagen may not be the best option for those looking to make substantial muscle gains, it’s still packed with benefits. For some, these perks may be an even better fit than those of protein powder. Not sure which one you should choose? Here are a few pros of each.*
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Collagen powder:
Protein powder:
- It can help with muscle gains.
- It’s a good option for a vegan diet (although not all protein powders are vegan).
- It can help fill you up (as it generally has more calories and satiating properties).
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The takeaway.
Overall, collagen powder may be a worthy addition to your daily menu if you’re not a fan of traditional protein powder but still want to gain some amino acids. Want to learn more about the benefits of taking collagen? Check out this breakdown.
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.