Hannah Frye

mbg Assistant Beauty Editor

By Hannah Frye

mbg Assistant Beauty Editor

Hannah Frye is the Assistant Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.S. in journalism and a minor in women’s, gender, and queer studies from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Hannah has written across lifestyle sections including health, wellness, sustainability, personal development, and more.

prima chews

Image by Prima x mbg creative / Prima

January 18, 2023

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A huge part of my job is testing out products, whether that’s a new eyeliner, a face cream, or a hemp CBD product. When it comes to the latter, I’ve experimented with oils, gummies, gelcaps, and even sparkling beverages. Every time I try a new CBD product, I’m hoping for two things: First, I want the formula to help quiet my inner mental chatter by evoking a sense of calm, and second, I want my body to feel so relaxed that I don’t toss and turn before falling asleep.*

Don’t get me wrong; I know this is a steep request for any supplement. Many hemp CBD formulas have come close to hitting the mark, often achieving one goal but not the other. Luckily for me, I finally found my dream formula that can do both: the Prima Chill Out CBD Chews.


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Why I’m obsessed with the Prima CBD Chews.

It didn’t take me a few weeks to start liking these vegan chews; it took one single use. The first time I tried the CBD chew was after a long (and stressful) day of traveling. My head was still spinning, and my body felt tired, yet wired—a caffeine hangover, if you will.

I remembered that I had just received a sample of the Prima CBD chews in the mail, so I figured it was the perfect moment to test them out. I wasn’t expecting much, but I figured they would at least help level my mood a little bit. 

After I consumed two of the delicious chews (one serving size), I unpacked my suitcase and tidied up my apartment, which took about 30 minutes in total. When I went to hop in the shower, I noticed something odd. 

My brain was quiet. While I was cleaning my apartment, I wasn’t thinking about how much I didn’t want to do it or how badly I wanted to be in my bed for the night. Nor was I dreading the impending Sunday Scaries doom. Instead, I just felt at peace.

I quickly realized the 25 mg of broad-spectrum hemp in the formula was evoking a sense of calm, and my theory was supported by science; a large case series study published in the Permanente Journal found that taking between 25 and 75 mg of CBD per day can promote mental and physical relaxation1.*

Needless to say, I knew these chews were a game changer. I hadn’t paired them with a meditation, a nice bath, or any other potentially relaxing activity. Instead, I’d taken them during activities that I despised—unpacking and chores—that usually leave me feeling angsty and annoyed.

After I got out of the shower, I hopped right into bed and fell asleep within minutes. I didn’t feel the need to go on my phone, flip my pillow 10 times, or try to count sheep (as if that ever works for me anyway). Instead, I drifted off to sleep in peace, with a state of serenity I never predicted feeling after a long day of travel.*

What’s inside? 

Each serving of Prima chews has 25 mg of organic broad-spectrum hemp (delivering 20 mbg of CBD). This is technically a moderate dose on mindbodygreen’s potency scale, and I found it to be just the right amount of CBD to support relaxation without making me too sleepy for normal daytime activities.* Personally, when I invest in CBD products, I want to feel something but maybe not too much—and that’s where these chews excel.

Plus, the formula offers more than just hemp. Prima also adds magnesium to the mix—another ingredient plenty of people use to wind down.* With this combination, it only makes sense that these chews stand out from the rest. 



Chill Out Vegan CBD Chew


Prima CBD Chew

The flavor is divine as well; it has hints of berry and lemon but still retains a natural taste. I don’t love the idea of chewing on a bright-colored, sugar-packed gummy for the sake of relaxation, so these naturally flavored (and naturally colored, with beets!) vegan chews are the perfect alternative. Bonus: The chews are also individually wrapped, so you can take a few in your purse without having to lug around the entire bag. I consider it a major win, but I know those hoping to reduce waste may not be as big of fans.


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How I use them.  

Full disclosure: I’ve gone through four bags of Prima’s Chill Out Chews over the last few months—that’s how much I swear by these chews. I bring them everywhere, and I’ve discovered new ways to use them to make my routines even better and support my overall well-being. Here are a few of my favorites:* 

  • Before yoga: A half hour before my yoga class begins, I take two chews. By the middle of my class, I’m feeling more comfortable in my body and more at peace, and by the ending meditation, I’m nearing a heavenly state.
  • For travel: As the story goes, I know these chews are essential for situational stress. Travel is just one example, but I always have them on hand if I’m headed to the airport.
  • When I’m overstimulated: Living in New York City is amazing for so many reasons, but sometimes it can feel overwhelming, especially when I’m out and about all weekend long. Whenever I find myself needing to center my thoughts, I consume two chews.
  • For internal chatter: This one is probably my favorite. Whenever I feel myself getting on the endless treadmill of what-ifs, I take two chews. It’s easy to let your mind circle around a single topic for hours on end, but you don’t have to. While meditation sometimes helps me out as well, these chews are my ultimate support system.
  • For sleep jitters: Have you ever had sleep jitters? You know, when you’re nervous about getting enough sleep at night because you have to wake up early, so you end up staying awake even later than normal? If so, these chews might help you chill out and clock a full eight hours with ease.
  • A relaxing night in: I try to get at least one night a week completely to myself, and most of the time it falls on Sunday. I like to swing by a yoga class, make a nice dinner for myself, lather on a face mask, and what have you. On these nights, the Prima Chill Out Vegan CBD Chews make me feel even better—and those few hours of solitude set a positive tone for the entire week.


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The takeaway. 

As you can tell, these chews are my current and probably forever obsession. I always keep a few chews on hand to quiet my inner chatter, ease occasional nervousness, or just have a more relaxing evening than I would otherwise.* Ready to give it a go? Here’s a quick rundown of how much to take if you’ve never tried CBD or just want to learn more about dosage.



Chill Out Vegan CBD Chew


Prima CBD Chew


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