Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Graphic by mbg creative x Sergey Filimonov / Stocksy
January 15, 2023
As Mercury retrograde comes to an end, this will be a great week to get your new year’s plans in order. Here’s your horoscope, according to the AstroTwins.
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Monday reminds us of the importance of dreaming.
“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle,” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., famously said. A steadfast Capricorn Sun with Pisces moon, Dr. King was no stranger to sacrifice—or tenacity. As we honor his legend this Monday, January 16, his words are an apt reminder that the utopian world King eloquently envisioned is one that will take effort to build. While we may feel tired or discouraged at times, a concerted (and at times, unrewarding) effort is part of bringing a dream—the Dream—to life.
At last! Communication and technology planet Mercury corrects course this Wednesday, January 18 after an irksome and disruptive retrograde that began on December 29, 2022.
In goal-oriented Capricorn, backspinning Mercury made it tough to commit to clear resolutions. From today forward, that changes, so get those 2023 resolutions in your crosshairs. Figure out what needs to get back on track ASAP, then pick up the pieces and get your plan in place. Career convos are productive and promising while Mercury powers forward through ambitious Capricorn until February 11. Set up time to confer with your boss about Q1 goals, announce your increased 2023 rates, or say yes to that exploratory coffee meeting with a potential freelance client.
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On Friday, January 20, start assembling your crew of collaborators and get ready to make magic together!
The Sun heads into community-driven Aquarius until February 18. Let these solar flares guide you through changing roles. Or seek out a team that aligns with your values and appreciates your strengths. If necessary, lean into technology to streamline your search. Fire up LinkedIn and get to networking to help you find your people faster. The perfect left brain to your right brain (or vice versa) could be a click or two away! Aquarius is fueled with idealism, so be wary of unrealistic expectations, but don’t let fear of failure or being “too ambitious” stop you from reaching toward your goals. Focus on community and inclusivity and make it your responsibility to bring out the best in others. After all, doesn’t success feel better when it’s shared?
On Saturday, January 21, 2023’s first new moon arrives in the sign of the wishful, collaborative Water Bearer.
This opens the perfect window for setting resolutions and intentions (a wise idea, since Mercury retrograde was muddling everyone’s visionary powers back on January 1.) Team-spirited Aquarius rallies people around a common cause. From social justice initiatives to collaborative projects, make space for different opinions and viewpoints. Aquarius loves community, not conformity.
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