Hannah Frye

mbg Assistant Beauty Editor

By Hannah Frye

mbg Assistant Beauty Editor

Hannah Frye is the Assistant Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.S. in journalism and a minor in women’s, gender, and queer studies from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Hannah has written across lifestyle sections including health, wellness, sustainability, personal development, and more.

3 Surprising Hormone Triggers That Mess With Your Skin

Image by Studio Firma / Stocksy

January 7, 2023

This likely isn’t going to be the first time you hear the word anti-inflammatory dropped in skin care conversations, and it certainly won’t be the last. While it may sound a bit nebulous, chronic inflammation is the epicenter of countless health concerns, your skin health included. 

As you age, it’s even harder to fight off inflammatory triggers—which is why you should take these practices even more seriously. To follow, three anti-inflammatory ingredients to keep in mind for healthy skin aging from the inside out. 


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You may haven’t heard of this antioxidant (yet), but its research-backed ability to preserve collagen levels1 in the skin is well documented. The technical term for this antioxidant is ubiquinone or ubiquinol, and it’s naturally present in all human cells, where it scavenges free radicals, protects your mitochondria, and prevents DNA from oxidative stress. 


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While CBD may be found most often in gummies or tinctures and popularized for its relaxing benefits, cannabinoids in hemp oil, like CBD, have demonstrated strong antioxidant properties7 as well. 

It’s worth noting that physical stress can certainly manifest on the skin, be it in the form of increased sebum production (which may lead to more breakouts), a decrease in ceramide production (which may lead to drier skin), and even slower wound-healing. All of this to say: If a CBD gummy or tincture helps you chill out at the end of the day, your skin will be just as grateful. 

But CBD has also been shown to have anti-itch, anti-proliferative, and wound-healing properties when applied topically. So look for quality hemp CBD in your next face cream, face oil, or perhaps try a CBD balm


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The takeaway. 

While anti-inflammatory may seem like a buzzword sometimes, it’s a worthy one to keep an eye out for in skin care. When the body becomes chronically inflamed, the skin ages faster—so look for anti-inflammatory ingredients like CoQ10, turmeric, and hemp CBD in both foods and topical formulas. Not sure if you’re dealing with inflammation or not? Start here