Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

woman looking out window

Image by Nuria Seguí / Stocksy

July 26, 2024

All 12 signs of the zodiac represent different archetypes, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and traits. And when it comes to a tendency towards delusional (AKA being fanciful, unrealistic, or otherwise delulu), not all the signs fit that descrption.

But there are a few that definitely do. Here are the three most delusional signs, plus the three signs most grounded in reality.

Coming in first as the most delusional sign, we have Pisces. This may come as no shock, considering Pisces is literally ruled by Neptune, the planet of delusion, fantasy, and dreams.

And we say this with no shade against the Pisces of the world—their intuitive wisdom and spiritual depth certainly have a role to play in the zodiac. However, in terms of their ability to see things as they are from a logical, rational point of view, Pisces tends to fall short.

This is why Pisces folks get a reputation for being naive and easily manipulated; They may think everyone is on the same emotional wavelength as them, only to find out that’s not always the case.

Pisces is the only water sign without armor (unlike Scorpio’s scorpion tail and Cancer’s crab shell), so it’s important they learn to have boundaries and try to stay objective, as to not let their own delusion get the best of them.

The second most delusional zodiac sign after Pisces is none other than Libra. While Libra is a more rational air sign compared to Pisces, their whole approach to life revolves around balance and harmony. And as much as they may try, sometimes seeking balance doesn’t actually get them the harmony they’re hoping for.

For instance, as the most relationship-oriented sign, Libra may sacrifice themselves in order to keep the peace. This is delusional in its own right, with Libras denying their own reality for the sake of someone else’s.

Libras are also notoriously indecisive, with an ability to see all sides of a situation. That’s great if they’re playing diplomat or peacekeeper, but all too often, they don’t know what they actually want. Their delusion lies within, whereas Pisces lies without.

Following Pisces and Libra, the third most delusional zodiac sign is Aquarius. These quirky and forward-thinking people are often the way-showers of the zodiac. They’re ahead of their time, and have great ideas that steer humanity in the right direction.

They can be delusion, then, because they expect everyone else to be on the same page. What Aquarius fails to understand is that not everyone is going to agree with them, and that’s OK. They are a fixed sign, after all, so this can make them a bit stubborn and rigid.

While Aquarius is ultimately a sign that has humanity’s best interests at heart, they can’t get lost in the delusion of idealist thinking and expecting the same from everyone else.

Which signs are the least delusional?

If Pisces, Libra, and Aquarius are the most delusional signs, which ones are the least? Here’s our ranking.

The least delusional sign is, of course, Capricorn. Unlike Pisces, ruled by Neptune, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of hard work, discipline, and challenges.

In other words, there’s nothing fantastical about the way Capricorn approaches life. They prefer to live by the book, valuing tradition, diligence, and a slow and steady climb to the top. They’re under no impression that the world owes them anything, but they’re still going to get after it in a methodical and deliberate way.

Taurus is another sign that we don’t typically associate with delusion. In fact, these grounded and stable people tend to live by the motto, “What you see is what you get.” They take things at face value without looking for hidden meanings or ulterior motives, and on the flip side, you can be sure they’re being real with you.

Taurus won’t easily be fooled by a potential love interest’s games, for example, or even the latest trendy fad. They’re very much in tune with what they want and what they value, and don’t get lost in unrealistic expectations or ideas.

And finally, we have Gemini, our last sign at the bottom of the most delusional list. An air sign ruled by the planet of information and communication, Mercury, Gemini is all facts, no fiction.

To them, the world is a never-ending stream of information, and they want the data. Where some signs get lost in their own emotional waters, or expectations about how the world should be, Gemini just wants to learn and soak up all the information they can. Who has time for delusion when there’s so much about reality to take in?

The takeaway

Some zodiac signs are bold while others are sensitive; Some are emotional while others are more cool. When it comes to being delusional versus grounded in reality, Pisces, Libra, and Aquarius are the ones who need to watch out for delusion, lest they be disappointed by reality.