Alexandra Engler

mbg Beauty Director

By Alexandra Engler

mbg Beauty Director

Alexandra Engler is the beauty director at mindbodygreen and host of the beauty podcast Clean Beauty School. Previously, she’s held beauty roles at Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, SELF, and Cosmopolitan; her byline has appeared in Esquire, Sports Illustrated, and

July 11, 2023

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On today’s episode of Clean Beauty School, I got some of my favorite advice I’ve ever received from model, mom, content creator, and holistic health coach Valeria Lipovetsky: “Say less, do more.” 

The major multi-hyphenate joins me today to discuss her well-being and beauty habits and how they fit into a very busy life. “I always need to scale-back and ask myself, ‘How does this fit into my life? What is my goal? What is wellness for me at the end of the day?'” she says. “Because I want to be a good example for my children. They watch everything I do, so I always make sure I walk the walk.” 


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We get into all the ways she cares for herself on the pod, but I’m also highlighting my favorite three tips here. 

Lean into joy

As Lipovetsky describes herself, she’s a “type A person learning to be type B,” which really just means learning to let go a bit. I think it’s something that I certainly relate to, as well as a lot of women who feel they need to be in control at all times. 

But as Lipovetsky describes it to me, “I don’t want to continue to run myself into the ground with all this ambition all of the time. Because at the end of my life, that’s not what I will be remembering.”

Instead, “I want to lean into the receiving and pleasurable aspect of life.” 

Listening to your body during your cycle 

For Lipovetsky, nurturing your body doesn’t have to be complicated. You do, however, have to listen to it. And for her, that means following her body’s cues during hormonal shifts throughout the month. 

“You have to be in tune with your body because this is not necessarily a one-size-fits-all approach. Sure, there are certain guidelines, but it’s you who needs to check in and ask yourself, ‘Is this working for me or not?'” she says. Speaking of guidelines, we wrote about following your menstrual cycle here in case you want to learn more. 

As an example she shares: “Let’s say I’m in my luteal phase, which is before my menstrual cycle begins. During this time, I emphasize foods that are rich in B vitamins, which will help me stay away from sugary foods.”


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Perhaps a surprising well-being tip but one that any introvert will recognize: “A big staple that I can never get enough of is solitude. That I feel keeps my soul, my skin, my hair—everything—looking good and feeling good,” she says. “I am very much of an introvert, so I recharged by myself. I always feel better after spending time alone.” 

Want more wellness insights? Tune in to the episode: 


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