Emma Loewe

mbg Sustainability + Health Director

By Emma Loewe

mbg Sustainability + Health Director

Emma Loewe is the Senior Sustainability Editor at mindbodygreen and the author of “Return to Nature: The New Science of How Natural Landscapes Restore Us.”

Image by mindbodygreen / mindbodygreen

July 11, 2023

Is it just me, or do anxious thoughts have a way of popping up right when you don’t want them to? My mind chooses to serve them up in the hour leading up to bed—a time when I’m trying my best to wind down from the day. I’ll be getting ready for sleep when sudden thoughts of “Yes, but what if your alarm doesn’t go off tomorrow and you miss that important meeting?” decide to make an appearance and keep me awake into the wee morning hours.

I’ve tried many relaxation techniques to soothe my mind over the years. From my short-lived “stressful thoughts” journal to my brief stint with meditating, none of them really stuck. Then, I tried sleep support+, and it’s been the first thing to make a real difference in helping me get to bed stressful-thought-free.*


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My experience with sleep support+

I first tried sleep support+ when it was first released in 2020, unsure what to expect. I’d tried other nightly sleep aids like CBD oils before, and while they helped my body relax, they did little to ease my mind. With sleep support+, it was a different story.

Within a few minutes of taking the two-capsule serving, the loud thoughts in my head started to quiet—replaced with musings about how soft my bed was and how good it would feel to sleep. I’d compare the supplement’s combination of magnesium bisglycinate, jujube, and PharmaGABA® to a bubble bath for the brain: gentle, soothing, and decadently relaxing.

I typically take the supplement right when I get into bed, before I start my nightly reading. By the time I’m 20 or so pages in, I’m ready to slip on my eye mask and slip into dreamland. Not only does sleep support+ help me fall asleep quickly—usually within five to 10 minutes—I’d guess, but I know it’s also benefiting my deep sleep.* I don’t wake up in the middle of the night nearly as much as I used to, and I almost always have enough energy to get through the day without a second cup of coffee (for me, a small miracle).

I feel good taking sleep support+ nightly knowing that it’s nonhormonal, unlike other popular sleep aids such as melatonin, and contains ingredients that my body needs to thrive, like magnesium.


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What good sleep means to me

Of course, taking sleep support+ alone doesn’t ensure a good night’s sleep. I’m pretty diligent about pairing it with healthy bedtime habits. (For me, that’s eating dinner as early as possible, avoiding late-night snacking or alcohol, getting my workout in at least a few hours before bed, and going to sleep by 11:30 p.m.) But the supplement has helped remind me of my body’s inherent ability to wind down. While intrusive thoughts used to get in the way of my sleep, I now know that they don’t have to. My mind naturally wants to quiet before bed—it’s just up to me to create an environment where it can do so.

After taking sleep support+ for three years, I totally understand why people say that sleep is foundational for well-being. On the days when I get good sleep, I find it so much easier to keep up with other healthy exercise and nutrition habits. And on the rare occasion when I struggle to get enough sleep—it still happens, and I try not to sweat it when it does—I’ll make a point to really prioritize it the next night.

Nighttime went from something I dreaded to a period I cherish and look forward to, and I have this product to thank for it.

The takeaway

After years of struggling with racing thoughts that kept me awake, adding sleep support+ to my nighttime routine has been a game-changer.* Learn more about the supplement and how it’s helping restless sleepers around the world here.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.