Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

American Alligator Floating In The Water

Image by Adam Nixon / Stocksy

April 15, 2023

Animal symbolism can show up in our everyday lives, as well as in our dreams. And if you’ve been dreaming about alligators a lot lately, you might be wondering what these dreams could be trying to tell you. Here’s what to know, according to experts.


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What does it mean to dream about alligators?

Generally speaking, alligator dreams tend to relate to one of two themes: biting criticism, and having a thick skin.

According to dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg, alligator dreams are a common one, and one she has a lot herself. “Across the board, any sort of creature in a dream that has a big mouth, sharp teeth, and is known for biting—like alligators or even sharks—will most often be connected to criticism and biting remarks in real life,” she tells mindbodygreen.

In addition to criticism, alligators literally have thick skin, so she notes that sometimes these dreams relate to how you handle criticism (AKA whether your skin is “thick enough”).

“So you may get an alligator in your dream when like someone is ‘biting your head off,’ so to speak, or they said emotionally wounding things, snapped at you—all these terms we use for harsh remarks that resemble biting,” Loewenberg explains.

But of course, context always matters, and she adds that if you have personal associations with alligators, or even places where alligators are from (i.e. Florida or Louisiana), alligators can show up as a reminder of those personal associations.

8 common alligator dreams & what they might mean:


If the alligator is attacking you

Depending on what’s happening in your dream, interpretations for dreaming of alligators can have some nuance. As Loewenberg explains, dreaming of an alligator attacking you, for example, applies to the general interpretation of biting words or criticism.

“The first thing you want to ask yourself is whether you’ve been attacked verbally lately, plus the way you handled it,” she says, whether you recoiled in fear or fought back. “Plus,” she adds, “how that connects to how you reacted when you were attacked verbally in real life.”


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If the alligator is eating something

If you witness an alligator eating something in the dream (even eating you, perhaps), Loewenberg notes something in real life might be “consuming” you and your thoughts. She advises getting clear on what’s consuming you or “eating away” at you, especially if something in your life has taken more of a priority over other things lately. “Something is becoming more important than something else, or you’re feeding off of something,” she adds.


If you attack the alligator

If you attack the alligator in your dream, according to Loewenberg, that’s a sign you’re fighting back in real life when you’re being confronted or criticized. “Most of the time,” she explains, “alligators are about verbal assault—communication, arguments, criticism—so if you’re fighting back in the dream, you may be standing up against a bully or fighting back against something that had previously made you feel victimized in some way.”

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If it’s a baby alligator

Dreaming about a baby alligator takes on a whole new meaning than a full grown one. As Loewenberg explains, anytime a baby appears in a dream—and especially a water-dwelling creature—it can have connections to pregnancy or fertility, or even the creation of something (i.e. you’re “pregnant” with an idea or creative project).

“A baby alligator could also represent something new that’s beginning to grow and develop in your life—and most often that would be your ability to have a thick skin, or your ability to fight back when you’re under attack,” she adds.


If you’re in alligator-infested waters

In some dreams, you may be in alligator-infested waters without any of them actually attacking you. In this case, according to Loewenberg, this dream deals with the fear of criticism more so than criticism itself. “You’re aware that alligators live in here, but they’re not actively coming after you, so it’s your fear or concerns about criticism and what others think of you, and your fear of being attacked for something that may not even take place,” she notes.


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If the alligator is beneath the surface

According to Loewenberg, dreaming of an alligator beneath the surface is a particularly common dream for people who are in situations where they feel like the black sheep, or anyone who’s experiencing fear and anxiety on a subconscious level. “You may see it dwelling there just below the surface, which represents some fear you have that’s beginning to surface, and would serve as a warning from your subconscious,” she explains.


If the alligator is dead

If the alligator in your dream was dead (either on the side of the road or washed up on the shore), Loewenberg tells mindbodygreen that it could be dealing with something in your life that’s come to an end. “An alligator in particular would likely represent an issue that is now over, that had involved an argument or biting remarks between you and someone else,” she says.


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If the alligator is fighting with another animal

If you dreamt of an alligator fighting another animal, whether it was a snake, a deer, another alligator, etc., Loewenberg says this instance points to a conflict in your life. In this case, you could be the alligator, or you could be the victim of the attack, and you have to distinguish which creature represents you in the dream. “Which one of these creatures do you identify with the most? The alligator with the thick skin, or the deer that’s always victimized?” she explains.


If you escape an alligator attack

Last but not least, sometimes our dreams can lean on figures of speech in their symbolism and imagery. Ever heard, “See ya later, alligator?” According to Loewenberg, if you escape an alligator attack in your dream, it can represent you getting out of a toxic relationship in your life. “Who do you need to say ‘See ya later’ to? That’s the message this dream is giving you,” she adds.


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How to work through this dream

Interpreting any dream comes down to getting clear on how you felt in the dream, how you reacted to the dream plot, and how those themes connect to things you’re going through in real life.

As Loewenberg explains, you could fight back against the alligator, run away, or feel frozen in fear—and those emotional responses are likely present in some aspect of your waking life. She also notes that how the dream ended is important to, because if there was no concrete ending or closure, that can indicate an unresolved issue in your life.

“If you’re left hanging in the dream, if there wasn’t a resolution or an ending, then the real life issue it’s connected to is still ongoing, and it’s likely there are communication issues in real life,” she explains.

Once you figure out how this dream relates to how you’re feeling in real life, you can address the issue to find a resolution. For instance, if you’re fairly certain you’re dreaming about alligators because someone is criticizing you, maybe you take this dream as a sign that it’s time to stand up for yourself—or get thicker skin.

If you aren’t already in the practice of dream journaling, getting in the habit of writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up is great way to start remembering your dreams in better detail so you can work through them.


What does it mean to see an alligator in your dream?

Generally speaking, alligator dreams tend to relate to one of two themes: biting criticism, and having a thick skin.

What does it mean when you dream about alligators in water?

Dreaming of alligator-infested waters can relate to the fear of criticism more so than criticism itself.

What does seeing alligators mean spiritually?

From a spiritual perspective, seeing alligators can relate to watery themes like cleansing, purification, and healing. They can also relate to power, status, and having a “thick skin.”

The takeaway

Dreams are mysterious and nuanced, and only you can unpack their deepest meanings. But when it comes to common dream symbols, alligators are one of them, and understanding these associations can help us pin down what our dreams could be trying to communicate.